Performing your PPSR reports from eFleetCheck are trusted and are a certified source of data for immediate reporting.

Popular Rates

You can use our search engine to find a PPSR report for any vehicle in Australia, paying only $4.99. This is not only affordable but also convenient and fast!

Fast Report

eFleetCheck is a powerful, one-stop-shop for PPSR checks. We're the only company to offer such an easy and reliable service because we're PPSR certified.

Easy to Read

Concise and simple reports in the palm of your hand! Our team ensures that we offer a personalized service and we will do our best to make sure you are not paying for any information that's not applicable.

Trusted Source

Our reports are the only reports that meet ASX reporting standards. A source for accurate, reliable data for executive reporting, no matter the industry. Trusted and certified data.


Search on eFleetCheck today before you buy or lend!

eFleetCheck is a national database that records interests in personal vehicle or asset. If someone has registered a security interest over your personal property, you need to search eFleetCheck before making any decisions.

eFleetCheck gives information about who has interests in your vehicle or assets. You can search for these interests yourself at

Search eFleetCheck today before you buy or lend!

Outstanding Debt

Find out what loans are associated with the vehicle you are purchasing, before you make the final purchase to make sure everything is in order.

Vehicle Registration

You will be provided with a detailed report on the vehicles registration start and end dates with any adverse information.

Stolen Vehicle?

We offer a theft protection service. Get the peace of mind with our PPSR eFleetCheck!

Technical Scope

Obtain the specifications to your vehicle report to confirm Registration, and VIN Numbers to match across to the Chassis for complete verification.

PPSR Certificate

We provide you with the necessary resources to help protect your vehicle. This way, you can rest easy knowing that thieves won't be getting their hands on it.

Write-Off Verification

The PPSR Check will provide you with all the information that you need to know before making your purchase. Feel confident knowing if it has been written-off or suffered large amount of unverified damage from water, fire or other unknowns.


Stay informed and stay ahead of the game with the eFleetCheck PPSR Search. Find out how to search for security interests registered against your property, what information is required to register, and what information is provided on each search result. Follow the simple steps below.

Connect your PPSR Reports in 3 simple steps.

Enter VIN number/Upload Bulk List File

Enter the vehicle rego number or VIN. If you're using a file upload to perform bulk searches, you will need to select the file upload button and select your file having VIN Numbers listed in one column of your excel .csv file

Submit Authorized Payment

If you want to save money and time on your next car purchase, add your email address and get access to use PPSR now.

Connect and view PPSR Report

It takes minutes to get your report via email. This report will give you the insight you need to make the right changes for better results.


eFleetCheck is a powerful, one-stop-shop for PPSR checks. We're the only company to offer such an easy and reliable service because we're legally certified. We're also one of the cheapest providers in the market! So if you're looking for convenience, reliability, and affordability in one, don't hesitate to come see us today.

Popular Rates

You can use our search engine to find a PPSR report for any vehicle in Australia, paying only $4.99. This is not only affordable but also convenient and fast!

Fast Report

eFleetCheck is a powerful, one-stop-shop for PPSR checks. We're the only company to offer such an easy and reliable service because we're PPSR certified.

Simple, Accurate Report

Concise and simple reports in the palm of your hand! Our team ensures that we offer a personalized service and we will do our best to make sure you are not paying for any information that's not applicable.


Click the buttons below to download eFleetCheck on your respective phones.




  • What is PPSR?

    Learn more about the latest PPSR regulations and any changes to your registration.


    Find out how to search for security interests registered against your property, what information is required to register, and what information is provided on a search result.


    Stay informed and stay ahead of the game with the PPSR. Register now!


    Registering your security interest in your property is a one-time obligation. Obtain a certificate online now to avoid any complications in the future.

  • What is REVS?

    A search of the state-based Register of Encumbered Vehicles (REVs), or the Vehicle Security registers (VSR), was known as a REVs check.

    All records stored on state-based registers have been transferred to the PPSR, which cover the whole of Australia, and all state based registers are now closed. Please see the list of these previous registers and the historical records they contain for more information.

    You can do a used car search or vehicle search, if you have a VIN or chassis number, or Search by serial number if you only have the manufacturer's number.

    The eFleetCheck will then email a search certificate to you. If you do not have an email address select ‘View search certificate’ to print or download the certificate.

  • What is PPSR Registration?

    PPSR, or the Personal Property Securities Register, is a government-backed database in Australia that records and safeguards personal property assets used as collateral in financial agreements.

    It allows individuals and businesses to register their security interests in various assets, such as vehicles, equipment, or inventory. This registration helps protect the rights of creditors and buyers, ensuring transparency in transactions and providing a legal framework to resolve disputes.

    PPSR registration is crucial for lenders, as it helps them establish a legal claim to the assets used as collateral. For individuals and businesses, it's a way to check the legitimacy of assets they plan to buy, offering peace of mind and reducing the risk of unexpected issues.

  • What is a VIN?

    Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a 17 characters panel that can be found on the vehicle registration certificate or it may be found on the vehicle itself on the engine or on the lower right windscreen. A sample VIN looks like this G4NAJH152038E58E7


  • 5 November, 2021
  • 5:00 PM

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  • 5 November, 2021
  • 5:00 PM

How Do I Not Fail My Driving Test?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut felis et sed purus. Nunc elit pellentesque proin fames nulla ullamcorper. Ut enim id proin ultrices

  • 5 November, 2021
  • 5:00 PM

How Do I Not Fail My Driving Test?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut felis et sed purus. Nunc elit pellentesque proin fames nulla ullamcorper. Ut enim id proin ultrices